grandMA3 User Manual Publication

DeleteOtherVersions Keyword

grandMA3 User Manual » Command Syntax and Keywords » General Keywords » DeleteOtherVersions
Version 2.0

To enter the DeleteOtherVersions keyword in the command line, use one of the options:

  • Type DeleteOtherVersions  
  • Type the shortcut Deleteo


The DeleteOtherVersions keyword is a function keyword that is used to delete the installation files of the software versions in a grandMA3 device. 


DeleteOtherVersions "release_type_x.x.x.x.xml;/Path/to/MALightingTechnology/installation_packages"


  • To delete the installation files of the version on your Windows® computer, type:
User name[Fixture]>DeleteOtherVersions "release_stick_grandMA3_software_v1.6.3.67.xml;C:/ProgramData/MALightingTechnology/installation_packages"