grandMA3 User Manual Publication

CueRelative Keyword

grandMA3 User Manual » Command Syntax and Keywords » General Keywords » CueRelative
Version 2.1

To enter the CueRelative keyword in the command line, use one of the options:

  • Type CueRelative
  • Type the shortcut CueR


CueRelative is a layer keyword. It is used to change the selected layer to the CueRelative layer. This layer can show information in, for instance, the fixture sheet. The layer shows the cue ID number for each parameter that has a relative value from the active cues.

If a fixture sheet is set to Auto layer, then it will automatically change to show the selected layer.

A cue is composed of [Sequence_Number].[Cue_Number]:[Part_Index]




  • To select the CueRelative layer, type:
User name[Fixture]>CueRelative