grandMA3 User Manual Publication
Executor Keyword

grandMA3 User Manual » Command Syntax and Keywords » General Keywords » Executor
Version 2.1

To enter the Executor keyword in the command line, use one of the options:

  • Press MA + X16 | Exec
  • Type Executor
  • Type the shortcut Ex


The Executor keyword is an object keyword used as a control handle for other objects.

The default function for Executor objects is Select. This means that calling executors without any function specified selects the object assigned to the executor. This selection is now also controllable with the 100 mm fader section.

If you apply a function or reference a property not supported by the Executor object, the command will be passed on to its child: key, fader, or the object assigned to the executor.


Executor [Executor_ID]

Select Page [Page_ID] Executor [Executor_ID]

Set Executor [Executor_ID] [Setting] = [Setting_Option]


The following table displays the settings that can be set using the command line:

Setting Setting Options Description
Key Go+ etc. Executor key assignment
Fader Master etc. Executor fader assignment
Encoder Master etc. Executor encoder assignment
EncoderLeft <<< etc. Executor encoder assignment when turning the encoder counterclockwise
EncoderRight >>> etc. Executor encoder assignment when turning the encoder clockwise
KeyCmd Go+ etc. Command run when executor button is pressed
EncoderRightCmd <<< etc. Command run when the encoder is turned counterclockwise
EncoderLeftCmd >>> etc. Command run when the encoder is turned clockwise
MAKey Go+ etc. Executor key assignment when pressing it together with the MA key
MAFader Master etc. Executor fader assignment when pressing the MA key
MAEncoder Master etc. Executor encoder assignment when the MA key is pressed
MAEncdoerRight <<< etc. Executor encoder assignment when turning the encoder counterclockwise while pressing the MA key
MAEncoderLeft >>> etc. Executor encoder assignment when turning the encoder clockwise while pressing the MA key
MAKeyCmd Go+ etc. Command run when executor button is pressed together with the MA key
MAEncoderRightCmd <<< etc. Command run when the encoder is turned counterclockwise together with the MA key
MAEncoderLeftCmd >>> etc. Command run when the encoder is turned clockwise together with the MA key
PrimaryAssignmentChanged   This is information only. See the description below
SecondaryAssignmentChanged   This is information only. See the description below
Width 1-5 Executor width
Height 1-4 Executor height
Object   The object the executor controls
Config   The executor configuration used by the executor
TotalPrimaryAssignmentChanged   This is information only. See the description below
TotalSecondaryAssignmentChanged   This is information only. See the description below

The four information settings are related to changes made in relation to the used executor configuration. Primary assignments are the assignments the executor has when the MA key is not pressed. The Secondary assignments are the assignments the executor has while the MA key is pressed. The two properties beginning with "Total" are for the entire combined executor. This is relevant when the executor is part of a combined executor with more than one executor in height and/or width. The information settings cannot be changed, they are automatically updated by the software.

For setting the executor assignments using the interface, please read the Assign Object to an Executor topic and the Executor Configurations topic.


  • To remove executor 205 on the current page, type:
User name[Fixture]>Delete Executor 205

It does not delete the object assigned to the executor. It just deletes the assignment.


  • To delete cue 3 of the sequence assigned to executor 205, type:
User name[Fixture]>Delete Executor 205 Cue 3


  • To select executor 102 on page 4, type:
User name[Fixture]>Select Page 4.102


  • To set the setting "Key" of executor 201 to "Flash", type:
User name[Fixture]>Set Executor 201 "Key" = "Flash"


For more information see Executors.