grandMA3 User Manual Publication
FaderCrossFadeB Keyword
grandMA3 User Manual » Command Syntax and Keywords » General Keywords » FaderCrossFadeB
Version 2.1
To enter the FaderCrossFadeB keyword in the command line:
- Type FaderCrossFadeB
- Type the shortcut FaderXB
The FaderCrossFadeB keyword represents the crossfade B function of a sequence.
Crossfade B gradually fades in dimmer attributes of the next cue in a sequence in accordance with the position of the fader.
For more information see Executors.
[Function] FaderCrossFadeB At ["Object_Name" or Object_Number]
FaderCrossFadeB [Object] ["Object_Name" or Object_Number] At [Value]
- To assign FaderCrossFadeB as fader function to executor 304, type:
User name[Fixture]>Assign FaderCrossFadeB At Executor 304 |
- To set the FaderCrossFadeB value of the fader range to 10% in sequence 5, type:
User name[Fixture]>FaderCrossFadeB Sequence 5 At 10 |