grandMA3 User Manual Publication

CreateMultiPatch({handles}, integer[, string])

grandMA3 User Manual » Plugins » Lua Functions - Object-Free API » CreateMultiPatch({handles}, integer[, string])
Version 2.1


The CreateMultiPatch Lua function creates a series of multi patch fixtures to a table of fixtures.


  • Table:
    The table must contain handles to the fixtures who should have the multi patch fixtures.
  • Integer:
    The number of multi patch fixtures to create.
  • String (optional):
    The string is an optional undo text. It needs to be in quotation marks.


  • Integer | nil:
    The returned integer indicates the amount of multi patch fixtures created.


This example creates two multi patch fixtures to the first fixture (excluding the "Universal" fixture) in the patch.

return function()
-- Enter Patch.
Cmd("ChangeDestination Root");
-- Enter the SetupPatch.
Cmd("ChangeDestination 'ShowData'.'Patch'");

-- Get the handle for the first fixture in the patch.
local myFixture = Patch().Stages[1].Fixtures[2]
-- Add the handle a list element in an table.
local myFixtureTable = {myFixture}
-- Add a variable with the amount of multipatch fixtures needed.
local multiPatchAmount = 2

-- Count the number of elements in the fixture table and store in a variable.
local count = 0
for _ in pairs(myFixtureTable) do
count = count + 1
-- Create an unto text string.
local undoText = string.format("Create %d multipatch fixtures for up to %d fixtures", multiPatchAmount, count)

-- Create the multipatch fixtures to the each fixture handle in the table and store the returned value.
local multiPatchAmount = CreateMultiPatch(myFixtureTable, multiPatchAmount, undoText)
if multiPatchAmount ~= nil then
Printf(multiPatchAmount .. " multi patch objects was created")
Printf("An error occured")

-- Return the command line destination to the root.
Cmd("ChangeDestination Root")