grandMA3 User Manual Publication


grandMA3 User Manual » System Overview » Parameters
Version 2.0

Most people are used to thinking in DMX channels when considering how many fixtures can be controlled by a system.

MA Lighting cares more about Parameters.

What are Parameters

Parameters are also called Attributes in the software. A dimmer function is a parameter, and a pan function is also a parameter.

The software calculates the different attributes using a higher precision than what is output via DMX. So, the software calculates the parameter or attribute once, and it is then scaled to the number of DMX channels a fixture uses - typically one or two per attribute.

Why Counting in Parameters and Not DMX

It is to your advantage. In the MA world, you do not pay extra for using fixtures that are running 16-bit or 24-bit instead of the 8-bit used by one DMX channel.

There might be a need to add more networked nodes or devices to output all the parameters that ar allowed to be controlled.


A simple moving head with a dimmer might use 5 DMX channels. The channels can be defined like this:

Definition: DMX Channel:
Dimmer 1
Pan 2
Pan Fine 3
Tilt 4
Tilt Fine 5

The pan and tilt are one attribute each. Even though both pan and tilt each use two DMX channels, they are only counted as one each in the parameter count. This means that the fixture only costs 3 parameters.

Definition: DMX Channel: Parameter cost:
Dimmer 1 1
Pan 2 2
Pan Fine 3 free
Tilt 4 3
Tilt Fine 5 free

This can be a big advantage when many fixtures have 16-bit (or fine) channels.

What about Preprogramming and Parameters?

The show can be preprogrammed and visualized in the 3D window without any parameter unlocking hardware. The lights are still visualized.

If third-party visualizers are used, then grandMA3 hardware is needed to give access to the parameters.