grandMA3 User Manual Publication

At Keyword

grandMA3 User Manual » Command Syntax and Keywords » General Keywords » At
Version 2.1

To enter the At keyword in the command line, use one of the options:

  • Press At 
  • Type At
  • Type the shortcut


The At keyword is a function keyword and a helping keyword at once.

  • As a function keyword it is used to apply values.
  • As a helping keyword it is used along with other function keywords to indicate destination. 
At applies values live in the programmer. For information on how to apply values throughout the show file see the Clone keyword

At is "the exception that proves the rule". At is one of the few functional keywords which accept objects before the function.

As a starting keyword, At is a function that applies values in the programmer to the current selection.

If value type Fade or Delay is used, the value list will be applied as individual fade/delay times.

Following an object list, At is a function that applies values to the object list. If the object list does not support the At function, the object list is resolved into a selection list and At applies values in the programmer.

Following an object list that follows a function, At is a helping keyword for the starting function.

General Syntax

At ([Value_Type]) [Value]

At [Object] ["Object_Name" or Object_Number]

[Object] ["Object_Name" or Object_Number] At ([Value_Type]) [Value]

[Object] ["Object_Name" or Object_Number] At [Object] ["Object_Name" or Object_Number]

[Destination] At [Source] (If [Object] ["Object_Name" or Object_Number]) (/Option)

Syntax as a Helping Keyword

[Function] [Object] ["Object_Name" or Object_Number] At [Object] ["Object_Name" or Object_Number] 


  • To set the MasterFader of the sequence 1 to 30 %, type:
User name[Fixture]>FaderMaster Sequence 1 At 30


  • To set the dimmer attributes of the current selection to 75%, type:
User name[Fixture]>At 75


  • To set the fixture selection to the values of cue 3 in the selected sequence, type:
User name[Fixture]>At Cue 3


  •  To set the pan attributes of the selected fixtures to 20%, type:
User name[Fixture]>Attribute "Pan" At 20


  • To set an individual delay time of 2 seconds to attribute 2, type:
User name[Fixture]>Attribute 2 At Delay 2


  •  To copy group 4 to group 10, type:
User name[Fixture]>Copy Group 4 At 10


  • To set a speed to 60 using the speed readout specified in the user profile (for example, BPM), type:
User name[Fixture]>At Speed 60


If you use the At command without specifying additional attributes, the natural readout of the dimmer of the user profile will be used. 

Requriement: Enable sinlge digit input first.

For more information on single digit input and how to enable it see User Settings.

  • To apply a dimmer value of 50 to the currently selected fixutes as single digit input, type:
User name[Fixture]>At 5

  • To apply a dimmer vlaue of 40 to fixtures 1 to 4, type:
User name[Fixture]>Fixture 1 Thru 4 At  4