grandMA3 User Manual Publication

SendOSC Keyword

grandMA3 User Manual » Command Syntax and Keywords » General Keywords » SendOSC
Version 2.1

To enter the SendOSC keyword in the command line, use one of the options:

  • Type SendOSC
  • Type the shortcut Sen


The SendOSC keyword is a command keyword that is used to send an OSC command.

For more information see Remote In and Out.


SendOSC [ID] "/[OSCAddress],[OSC Type],[Value]"

The supported types are:

  • Int(i)
  • Float(f)
  • Blob(b)
  • String(s)
  • True(T)
  • False(F)
  • Null(N)
  • Impulse(I)
  • Timetag(t)

It is not necessary to set a value (Payload) for:

  • True
  • False
  • Null
  • Impulse
  • Timetag
When using the OSC types True, False, Nil/Null, Impulse and Timetag it is not necessary to enter a value.
Several values can be sent at once when separated by commas.
When addressing an executor, a page must be specified as well.

Instead of using page and executor numbers, it is also possible to address them by name.

When addressing executor keys, a value of 0 will be interpreted as not pressed. Values greater 0 will be interpreted as button press.

If a prefix is specified for an OSCData entry, then this very prefix will be added to the sent string when using the OSCSend command.

The supported OSC types to control faders, executor knobs, and buttons are: Integer32, Float32, True, False and Nil/Null.
A True will be interpreted as 1, while a False will be interpreted as 0.
The addresses defined for Page, Fader, ExecutorKnob, and Key are case-sensitive.


  • To send an OSC command using the first configuration in the OSC menu with integer value 50 to fader 201 on page 1, type:
User name[Fixture]>SendOSC 1 "/Page1/Fader201,i,50" 

  • To send an OSC command using the first configuration in the OSC menu with integer value 100 to fader 201 on page 1 and a fade time of 5s, type:
User name[Fixture]>SendOSC 1 "/Page1/Fader201,ii,100,5" 

  • To send commands via OSC to the second grandMA3 station, the OSC address /cmd can be used. To store cue 1 via OSC, type: 
User name[Fixture]>SendOSC 1 "/cmd,s,Store Cue 1"