grandMA3 User Manual Publication

Timecode Keyword

grandMA3 User Manual » Command Syntax and Keywords » General Keywords » Timecode
Version 2.1

To enter the Timecode keyword in the command line, use one of the options:

  • Press MA + X6
  • Type Timecode
  • Type the shortcut Ti or TC


The Timecode keyword is an object keyword used to select the timecode by default.

Using the Timecode keyword you can:

  • store
  • play (go)
  • record
  • edit
  • label
  • set properties of
  • rewind (top)

timecode shows.

For more information see Timecode.


[Function] Timecode ["Timecode_Name" or Timecode_Number] ["Property_Name" or "Property_Value"] text


The following table displays the properties that can be assigned using the Set Keyword.

Property Property Value Description
Name "Timecode show name" Set the name of timecode show.
Time   Set position of the time cursor.
Duration 0s to 255h59m58.96s Set the entire length of timecode show.
Offset 0s to 255h59m58.96s To move the entire timecode show forward, set an offset in the timecode show.
Loop Mode Loop
Basic settings for Loop and how to pause or stop.
Loop Count "Endless Repeat" (0),
"No Repeat" (1),

Only for timecode shows syncing to the internal clock.
Set if the timecode show runs:
Endless (Endless Repeat)
Once and stop (No Repeat)
A specific number of times (number between 2 and 1000)

TimeMarkers   Time markers are used to select the track. They will be stored.
TCSlot "Internal" (-2), "Link Selected" (-1), "Slot1" (0), "Slot2" (1), "Slot3" (2),  etc. Set the timecode show to a timecode slot.
AutoStart (only available with external timecode slot) "Yes", "No" Only available when syncing to an external source.
If a timecode signal is received, the timecode show switches from the off mode to the play mode.
AutoStop "Yes", "No" Only available when syncing to an external source.
If a timecode signal is received, the timecode show switches from the play mode to the off mode.
User Bits 0 .. FFFFFFFF, 0 .. 4294967296 Only available when syncing to an external source.
To transmit several kinds of information, for example, a second Timecode Stream, set user bits in hex or decimal. So several incoming Timecode Streams can be discerned.


  • To set timecode show "Intro" to a duration of 55 seconds, type:
User name[Fixture]>Set Timecode "Intro" "Duration" "55" 


  • To store a new timecode show called "Napalm Skies" in the timecode pool, type:
User name[Fixture]>Store Timecode "Napalm Skies" 


  • To rename timecode show "Intro" "Prelude", type:
User name[Fixture]>Set Timecode "Intro" "Name" "Prelude" 


  •  To start the timecode show "Prelude", type:
User name[Fixture]>Go Timecode "Prelude" 


  •  To rewind the timecode show "Prelude", type:
User name[Fixture]>Top Timecode "Prelude" 


  • To label timecode show 3 in the timecode pool, type:
User name[Fixture]>Label Timecode 3 

The label pop-up opens and you can now label the timecode show.