grandMA3 User Manual Publication
UserProfile Keyword

grandMA3 User Manual » Command Syntax and Keywords » General Keywords » UserProfile
Version 2.1

To enter the UserProfile keyword in the command line, use one of the options:

  • Type UserProfile 
  • Type Userp
  • Type the shortcut UPR


The UserProfile keyword is an object keyword. It can be used to execute functions in the UserProfile such as create, delete, or change a setting.

For more information on user profiles see Create User. For information on different settings see User Settings.


[Function] UserProfile ["UserProfile_Name" or UserProfile_Number] ([Setting] [Setting_Value])


The UserProfile keyword has several settings. The settings can be changed using the Set Keyword.

Here are the settings:

Setting Object/Option/Value Description
Name Text The name of the user profile. This can be used as the user profile ID.
DMXReadout "Percent", "Dec8", "Dec16", "Dec24", "Hex8", "Hex16", or "Hex24" This is the default DMX readout.
NormalValue A percent value This is the value assigned to the intensity attribute if the Normal keyword is used.
WheelResolution "Coarse", "Normal", or "Fine" The resolution of the level wheel on the consoles.
WheelMode "Additive", "Incremental", "Prop.+", or "Prop.-" This defines the level wheel mode.
PreciseEdit "Yes" or "No" This turns the precise edit mode On or Off.
ScreenEncoder "Yes" or "No" This enables or disables the screen encoder on the fifth dual encoder.
TimeKeyTarget "Cue" or "Fixture" This defines how the Time key functions.
TCSlot "TCSlot 1" .. "TCSlot 8" This is the user profile's selected timecode slot.
ValueReadout "Natural", "Percent", "PercentFine", "Physical", "Decimal8",
"Decimal16", "Decimal24", "Hex8", "Hex16", or "Hex24"
This is the default value readout.
SpeedReadout "Hertz", "BPM", or "Seconds" This is the default speed readout.
PresetReadout "ID", "ID+Name", "ID+Name+Value", "Name", "Name+Value", or "Value" This is the default readout for preset in sheets.
OverlayFade Time value in milliseconds This is the time used by pop-ups and overlays when fading into visibility.
TimeReadout "10d11h23m45", "251h23m45", "10.11:23:45", or "251:23:45" This is the default time readout.
FrameReadout "Seconds", "24 fps", "25 fps", "30 fps", or "60 fps" This is the default time frame readout.
UndoProgrammer "Yes" or "No" This turns On or Off if programmer actions can be oopsed.
UndoGeneral "Yes" or "No" This turns On or Off if general actions can be oopsed.
AutoRemoveGaps "Yes" or "No" This turns On or Off the auto-remove gaps function in the selection grid.
MirrorSpecialExecutorPages "Yes" or "No" This turns On or Off the mirror function on extension wings.
ShowAppearanceInCueInput "Yes" or "No" This turns On or Off the cue appearance in cue selection pop-ups.
ShowSettingsInEditors "Yes" or "No" This turns On or Off if settings are visible in editors as a default.
ExecConfigSequence Executor Configuration Object Default executor configuration for sequences.
ExecConfigMacro Executor Configuration Object Default executor configuration for macros.
ExecConfigView Executor Configuration Object Default executor configuration for views.
ExecConfigWorld Executor Configuration Object Default executor configuration for worlds.
ExecConfigGroup Executor Configuration Object Default executor configuration for groups.
ExecConfigPreset Executor Configuration Object Default executor configuration for presets.
ExecConfigPlugin Executor Configuration Object Default executor configuration for plugins.
ExecConfigUser Executor Configuration Object Default executor configuration for users.
ExecConfigSound Executor Configuration Object Default executor configuration for sounds.
ExecConfigScreenConfig Executor Configuration Object Default executor configuration for screen configurations.
ExecConfigMaster Executor Configuration Object Default executor configuration for masters.
ExecConfigSpeedMaster Executor Configuration Object Default executor configuration for speed masters.
ExecConfigPlaybackMaster Executor Configuration Object Default executor configuration for playback masters.
ShowConnectors "Yes" or "No" This turns On or Off if the connector overlay is visible when the "Output Configuration" menu is visible.
FixtureLibShowMA "Yes" or "No" This turns On or Off if MA fixtures are shown in the "Insert New Fixture" pop-up.
FixtureLibShowUser "Yes" or "No" This turns On or Off if User fixtures are shown in the "Insert New Fixture" pop-up.
FixtureLibShowShare "Yes" or "No" This turns On or Off if Share fixtures are shown in the "Insert New Fixture" pop-up.

For detailed expanation see User Settings.


  • To list all available user profiles, type:
User name[Fixture]>List UserProfile 


  • To turn off the screen encoder in the default user profile, type:
User name[Fixture]>Set UserProfile "Default" "ScreenEncoder" "No"