grandMA3 User Manual Publication

Advanced Examples

grandMA3 User Manual » Remote In and Out » OSC (Open Sound Control) » Advanced Examples
Version 2.1

The examples below are in addition to those in the OSC topic.

Executor Control

For more information, see Executor Control in OSC.

If no EncoderLeft or EncoderRight function is assigned, the Encoder function is used. If an EncoderLeft or EncoderRight function is assigned, it overrides the Encoder function and the Encoder function is ignored.  
Each executor can have functions assigned to all handles (keys, faders, encoders), even if no such physical handle exists on that executor. OSC controls these functions regardless of whether the physical handle exists or not. 
Address names for DataPool, Page, Fader, Encoder, and Key can be edited in the OSC Configuration menu. Fader ranges can also be edited.
Addresses Type Tags Arguments
Results Examples
Fader of Executor X on the selected Page in the selected DataPool /FaderX i
0 ... 100 Set the Fader position in percent. /Fader201,i,100 /DataPool2/Page10/Fader302,f,75.5
Fader of Executor X on Page Y in the selected DataPool /PageY/FaderX T - True is interpreted as 1. -
Fader of Executor X on the selected Page in DataPool Z /DataPoolZ/FaderX F
False is interpreted as 0.
Fader of Executor X on Page Y in DataPool Z /DataPoolZ/PageY/FaderX -
Encoder of Executor X on the selected Page in the selected DataPool /EncoderX i
-100 … 100 Positive values move the Fader up by the given percentage.
Negative values move the Fader down by the given percentage.
Encoder of Executor X on Page Y in the selected DataPool /PageY/EncoderX i
Executes the assigned EncoderLeft function. /Encoder201,i,-1
Encoder of Executor X on the selected Page in DataPool Z /DataPoolZ/EncoderX i
Execute the assigned EncoderRight function. /Encoder201,i,1
Encoder of Executor X on Page Y in DataPool Z /DataPoolZ/PageY/EncoderX -
Key of Executor X on the selected Page in the selected DataPool /KeyX i
Press the Key. /Key101,i,1
Key of Executor X on Page Y in the selected DataPool /PageY/KeyX T
Press the Key. /Key101,T,
Key of Executor X on the selected Page in DataPool Z /DataPoolZ/KeyX i
Release the Key. /Key201,f,0
Key of Executor X on Page Y in DataPool Z /DataPoolZ/PageY/KeyX F
Release the Key. /Key201,F,

Object Playback Feedback

For more information, see Object Playback Feedback in OSC.

AddressesType Tags
Sequence X
/ <Key function>,0 … 1,<SequenceName CueNumber CueName> The Key of the given Key function was pressed (Argument 2 = 1) or released (Argument 2 = 0). The given Cue got triggered when the Key got pressed or released. Argument 3 is not sent if the Key function is "Off". /,sis,Flash,1,Strobe 1 Cue 1
Sequence X

<Fader function>,0 … 3,0.0 … 100.0 The Fader of the given Fader function was set to the given value in percent. Argument 2 represents the type of playback handle that was used: Onscreen Fader/Command (1), Physical Fader (3). /,sif,FaderMaster,3,63.5
Sequence X


<Fader function>,0 … 3,-100 … 100 The Fader of the given Fader function was moved by the given value in percent using a Rotary Knob. Argument 2 represents the type of playback handle that was used: Physical Rotary Knob (0), Onscreen Rotary Knob/Command (1). /,sii,FaderMaster,0,-1
Master X.Y 
/13.12.X.Y si <Key function>,0 … 1 The Key of the given Key function got pressed (Argument 2 = 1) or released (Argument 2 = 0). /,si,Black,1
Master X.Y 

<Fader function>,0 … 3,0.0 … 100.0 The Fader of the given Fader function was set to the given value in percent. Argument 2 represents the type of playback handle that was used: Onscreen Fader/Command (1),  Physical Fader (3). /,sif,FaderMaster,3,63.5
Master X.Y 


<Fader function>,0 … 3,-100 … 100 The Fader of the given Fader function was moved by the given value in percent using a Rotary Knob. Argument 2 represents the type of playback handle that was used: Physical Rotary Knob (0), Onscreen Rotary Knob/Command (1). /,sii,FaderMaster,0,-1