grandMA3 User Manual Publication


grandMA3 User Manual » Glossary
Version 2.1

The following collection of abbreviations, acronyms and fundamental lighting terms can be found in the grandMA3 user manual.

To open the glossary in the grandMA3 software:

  1. Press Help and enter Glossary into the command line.
  2. Press Please. The Glossary opens.


ACN - Architecture for Control Networks
Is a suite protocol. It uses a lot of elements that are currently not supported by grandMA3. But the ACN protocols also have a version for transporting DMX data. For more information on ACN, see sACN menu.

ANSI - American National Standards Institute

Art-Net 4 Ethernet communication standard is developed by Artistic Licence. For information about Art-Net in the grandMA3 software, see Art-Net menu.

Attributes are the building blocks of fixture types. For more information, see Attribute definitions.


bit - binary digit

bpm - beats per minute


CIE - Commission internationale de l'éclairage

CLI - Command-line interaction

Command Line
The syntax to control the console can be entered in the Command Line. For more information, see Command Line.

Conventional lights
Lighting device with dimmer only.

CPU - Central Processing Unit

Cues a stored values. A set of cues is a Sequence. For more information, see Cues and Sequences.



dBu - decibel unloaded

DC - Direct Current

DHCP - Dynamic Host Control Protocol
Is a system where IP addresses are distributed from a DHCP server. For more information on how to set IP addresses, see Interfaces and IP.

DMX - Digital Multiplex
Communication protocol to send a digital signal from a controller to a receiver. A single DMX cable can transmit one Universe.

DMX Channel
A single DMX Channel has a value between 0 and 255.

DMX Universe
A DMX Universe contains 512 DMX channels.

Dual Encoder
The five dual encoders on a console or a command wing are used to adjust the different attributes of the fixtures or other functions. For more information, see Dual Encoders.


Encoder Bar
Displays the attributes or functions linked to the encoders and includes shortcuts for quick access to a selection of user profile settings and programming tools. For more information, see Encoder Bar.

Executors (Exec) are physical keys, knobs, and faders on the grandMA3 hardware. They can also be represented as on-screen virtual executors. For more information, see Executors.

Allows to extend the amount of physical executor handles for specific grandMA3 products. For more information, see Connect grandMA3 extension.



Fader Wing
An additional fader for the grandMA3 onPC system. For more information, see grandMA3 onPC fader wing.

A complete lighting unit including at least a housing and a lamp.

Fixture Type
Fixture types are used to visualize and control real-life fixtures on stage. For more information, see Fixture Types.

fps - frames per second


GB - Gigabyte

GDTF - General Device Type Format
Is a file format used to describe devices. For information about GDTF, see GDTF Share.

This is the session master station in all networked systems. For more information, see Locally Networked Devices.

GPI - General Purpose Interface

Grand Master
Is used to limit the output of the intensity of all the fixtures patched in a show. For more information, see Grand Master.

Groups contain a selection of fixtures. This includes the order and grid position of the selection. This can be used as a programming tool, where it is a fast way to select the fixtures. For more information about Groups, see Groups.


Hex - Hexadecimal

Highlt - Highlight
See Highlt key.

HTP - Highest Takes Precedence
The highest value will be output, mostly used with Dimmer. For more information about priorities, see LTP.

Hz - Hertz



When a console is ready to be connected to another station, the console is in IdleMaster mode. For more Information, see Standalone Device.

IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission

IP - Internet Protocol


Defined word in the software with a specific usage.


LED - Light Ermitting Diode
An intelligent light with a LED source.

Level Wheel
The level wheel on the right side of a console or command wing is always assigned to dimmer attributes.

log - logarithm

Lua is a scripting language designed to support general procedural programming. For more information, see What is Lua.

LTC - Linear Time Code

LTP - Latest Takes Precedence
Most recent value will be output, mostly used for all attributes besides Dimmer. For more information about priorities, see DMX port configuration.



mA - milliampere

Macros are commands stored in a pool object. For more information, see Macros.

Masters are physical representations of various timing and level overrides that exist in the software. For more information, see Masters.

MB - Megabyte

MIB - Move In Black
For more information, see Move In Black.

MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface
A standard communication protocol. For more information about MIDI, see MIDI.

Moving Light
Lighting instrument with additional attributes other than dimmer. It is possible to control the position of a Moving Light from a console.

MSC - MIDI Show Control
Sends functions via MIDI signal from an executor to another device, for example a console or MIDI sequencer.

Multi-Instance Fixture
A lighting instrument with multiple individually controllable sections.

MVR - My Virtual Rig
MVR is a file format that is used to share data for a patch. For more information, see MVR.


OS - Operating System

OSC - Open Sound Control
OSC is a client and server system that defines a message address pattern used to address elements in the receiving server. For more information, see OSC.



Horizontal movement axis of a fixture.

A parameter can use several DMX channels. For more information, see Parameters.

Dynamically changes the output for attributes using a set of information in two or more steps. For more information, see Phasers.

PoE - Power over Ethernet

Recalling stored information physically (for example, fader) or graphically (user interface) on a console. A preset, a sequence with cues, or a timecode show can be played back. For more information, see Playback Window.

Presets are containers for values. For example, when the same values are used in different cues several times. For more information, see Presets.

Prev - Previous
See Prev key.

The programmer is a temporary memory, where the active values are placed. The values can then be stored or released. For more information, see Programmer.

Prvw - Preview
See Prvw key.

PSN - PosiStageNet
grandMA3 stations can receive PSN data. For more information, see PSN.

PWM - Pulse Width Modulation



RAM - Random Access Memory

RCA - Radio Corporation of America

RDM - Remote Device Management
Permits intelligent bidirectional communication between devices from multiple manufacturers using a modified DMX512 data link. For more information, see RDM.

RPM - Rounds per Minute


S/PDIF - Sony/Philips Digital Interface

sACN - Streaming Architecture for Control Networks
For more information, see ACN.

SelFix - SelectFixture
See SelFix key.

Sequ - Sequence
See Sequ key.

SMPTE - Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers

SSD - Solid-State Drive

SSE - Streaming SIMD Extensions

STP - Shielded Twisted Pair

The command line syntax is used to create valid commands. For more information, see Syntax.



TC - Timecode
Timecode is a time signal used to let off the recordings of a playback or trigger cues. For more information, see Timecode.

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol

Vertical movement axis of a fixture.

Tracking is the principle to store only the changes in the cues. For more information, see Tracking.


UDP - User Datagram Protocol

UI - User Interface
See User Interface.

UUID - Universally Unique Identifier


V - Volt

VRAM - Video Random Access Memory


Web remote
See Web remote.


XFade - Crossfade
For more information, see Assign object to an executor.

XLR - External Line Return

XML - Extensible Markup Language